Our Services
Learn more about Excellann
Start-up Buddy
One of the Biggest challenges for Start-ups whether in India or Overseas is to create the Right Human Resource and Talent Acquisition Policies, Process and Frameworks
Permanent Hiring
We at Excellann understand the same and we specialize in hiring CXO level (CEO, COO, CTO, CFO, CMO, CIO)
Contract Staffing
We bring you the innovative staffing solutions which are agile enough to meet the rapidly changing talent needs of today’s world of work.
Recruitment Training Programme
Social Media Recruitment is top of mind today in Industry, Recruiters Hiring through social media is on the rise and most discussed methods today.
Contact Excelann For Your Business Growth

Call Excellann

No. 3.1.1, 3rd floor, Gopala Krishna
Complex, No. 45/3
Residency Road, MG
Road, Bengaluru 560025

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